BeátaKINCSES, Andrei ARMAŞ, Adrian ŞMULEAC None
The case study was carried out on the administrative territory of Dumbrăviţa, TimişCounty, the town adjacent to Timișoara, at the Northern border of the town.This study shows and underlines the importance of updating the limits of boundaries between towns, their correlation with the surveying and the check against the cadastral records with the land.In compiling this study, we have started with the selection of the border segment intended for verification, followed by the choice of the method of measurement, the collection of data needed from the Office of Cadastre and Land Registration, respectively, from the two town halls, i.e. the plans and records for the enforcement of the property law. After processing the measurement, I have proceeded to the correlation of the cadastral data using the topographic survey, the checks were performed by overlapping the measurement in a dwg file with the land plans, we have checked the surfaces of fields and of the plots on the both towns found at the town borders.The surveying was carried out in the field using Leica GPS equipment, Series 1200, the downloading of the setting was accomplished by means of the software Leica Geo Office Tools and data processing by means of the programs TopoLT and AutoCAD 2014. To measure the buildings was used GPS GEOMAX ZENITH 020, with dual frequency.According to the overlapping of the processing of measurements with the boundary limits provided in the Office of Cadastre and Land Registration database, there are differences which are smaller for some lots, while they are higher for others, and the legislation and the way of drafting the cadastral documentation as per Law no.7/1996 and Order no.700/2014 requires the authorised person to draft the cadastral documentation on the commune territory on which the plot location is identified, not on the town that was done putting into possession.In most cases, the boundary limits, implicitly the areas declared by the town halls to the Prefecture or to Office of Cadastre and Land Registration, are not accurate.Due to these differences and complications, multiple cadastral issues occur, followed by other administrative or fiscal problems, while the clarification and correction procedure becomes quite difficult.
Ofiice of Cadastre, Leica GPS, Geomax, TopoLT, AutoCAD, overlapping, limit, boundary, territories.
Presentation: oral


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