Viorica ROBU, L. NIȚĂ, Casiana MIHUȚ, Anișoara DUMA-COPCEA None
Abstract. Soil formation and evolution is subject to a large number of their properties and numerous specific processes taking place on the surface or inside their properties such conditions the formation and characteristics of those soils. The paper presents the formation and characterization of three soil types, respectively aluviosol gleic, gley and Soloneţ the perimeter of Sanandrei, Timis county, soils were formed under the influence of groundwater, ie soils with different properties and ferilitate weak natural, and mitigation measures are taken. Characterization and description of soils, was intended to provide a fund of information on resources climatic existing based on the documentation soil present as well as that accumulated over time by OSPA Timisoara in order to forecast potential agrochemical land for rational use it and ensuring future production. Influences that you have groundwater and the soil in common Sanandrei, were topics of research papers including: Oprea (1956, 1963, 1964, 1968), Ujvari (1972), Bizere (1973), Ungureanu (1976 1977, 1980, 1985). The formation of these soils, of great importance for the evolution of soil formation processes are pedohidrogeologice conditions. Groundwater acts as pedogenetic factor only in areas where hydrostatic level is at depths less than 5 m, as well as soils in the studied area. The soil under the influence level pedofreatic are richer in organic matter, humus-rich soil have a deeper horizon, presents a less differentiation (leaching and debazificare weaker). In general, the degree of hydromorphic oscillations depends on the depth and pedofreatic this level. One of the physical properties which is a limiting factor and representative in the formation of these soils, a texture is usually fine or medium-fine. Also one of the causes of the formation of these soils is the unevenness of the land. These soils are spread on flat land or depression. Measures to improve these soils are drainage and drainage works.
Keywords: soil, groundwater, formation, characterization, property, measures to improve
Presentation: poster

