Okros Adalbert, Niță Lucian, Dicu Daniel Dorin, Eva Monea, Astrid Groszler Simone, Mircov Vlad Dragoslav None
The present paper refers to the land pertaining to the cadastral territory of the Teregova commune, in Caraș-Severin county, respectively the soils identified in the mentioned perimeter. It is studied in relationship with the environmental factors that condition its existance, together forming homogenous ecological territory units (UT or TEO) which display specific favour abilities in different agricultural or silvicultural uses and with specific amelioration technologies and requirements. The paper aims at obtaining an information fund regarding technical and fertility characteristics, so as to determine the current general production capacity of the lands for various crop plants, respectively various usages which should fundament from a technical-scientific perspective the optimal practical measures regarding the rational preserving usage of the land fund, implementation of the nitrate directive, application of the epuration mud directive regulations, the biofuel directive, the directive regarding underprivileged areas delimitation, climatic changes, ecologic agriculture. Data interpretation, the natural frame characterizartion, analysis of production limiting factors like agricultural land assessment, were carried out according to the Methodology of Pedologic Study Elaboration  (vol. I, II, III) developed by I.C.P.A. Bucharest under the A.S.A.S. Bucharest seal in a 1987, The Romanion Soil Taxonomy System  (SRTS) from 2003, as well as the MAAP Order 223/28.05.2002 published in the Public Gazette from 13.08.2002, respectively the theoretical and practical materials from the paper ,,Guide to describing the soil profile and the specific climatic conditions in the field” elaborated by the National Institute for Research and Development in the field of Pedology, Agro-chemistry and Environmental Protection in Agriculture - ICPA Bucharest, in 2009. The Teregova commune territory lies in the Caraș-Severin county, at about 35 km from Caransebeș and about 70 km from Orșova. The Teregova commune is surrounded by: - the communal territory of Zăvoi, Armeniș, Slatina Timiș and Brebu Nou to the north - the communal territory of Mehadica, Luncavița and Domașnea to the south - the communal territory of Cornereva to the east - the communal territory of Văliug and Prigor to the west The total surface of the researched territory is of 33121 ha, the studied one of 16109 ha, and the total mapped surface is of 14008 ha, distributed on usage categories.
soil, Teregova, technical and fertility characteristic
sciences soil
Presentation: poster

