Casiana MIHUȚ, Anișoara DUMA-COPCEA None casiana_mihut@usab-tm.roIn our country, due to the high variation of pedogenetical factors, the soil layer is very diversified. At the level of the entire monitoring network, one can encounter 10 of the 12 classes at national level, and 23 soil types of the 29 mentioned by SRTS, 2012. The best represented soil classes are Chernisoils (36.0 %), followed by Luvisoils (21.2 %), Protisoils (19.1%) and Cambic soils (15.2 %). Natural conditions from the western part of Romania, including the perimeter of the town of Lugoj have been and still are extremely favourable for the development of a complex agricultural economy. Climatic conditions, humidity, rock and even relief conditions determined a diversity of soil types pertaining to most classes. Regionally, these can be found north from Mureş in the Carpathian-Crişana province, and to the south in the Carpathian-Banat province, which are part of the central European pedogeographic region. For the most part, they are high fertility soils. Within Timis county, Lugoj is located in the central eastern part, counting as the second town in the county in terms of size, economic development and population. Morphologically, the territory belongs to the High Lugojului Plain and the Lugojului Hills. Lying on the contact area of these units, the town was developed on the inferior Timiş terrace, on both shores of the river. The relief unit, where the city lies in, is the Lugojului Plain, which deeply penetrates the piedmont hill area. The average area altitude is of 124 m above sea level. At the basis of the soils identified and delimited within the perimeter, generally the following parental material groups were found: clays, argils and fluvial deposits. Deposit and evolution conditions for these sedimentary materials can provide information on the currant argillaceous materials. Of the total surface of the researched area, almost 80% represents agricultural land with predominant tillable land (75 – 90%). The rest of 4% of the land fund is represented by forest groups, 4% by settlings, communication ways, non-productive land and 1.5% is covered by water (GR. POSEA, 1995). Of the tillable land, 10 – 25 % are concentrated either in low plains (grass land on saltings and on excess humidity land) or in glacis plains (orchards, vineyards, grass land).
soil, economic efficiency, agricultural, Lugoj
sciences soil
Presentation: poster