Veronika TRGALOVÁ1, J. CHAVKO 2 None
Abstract: The aim of the present study was to monitor, assess and evaluate breeding success of one of the most important representatives of the birds of prey, which is the Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug, J.E.Gray, 1834), in an orogfraphic unit Trnavská pahorkatina hills, which is located in western Slovakia. The bird is important for nature and for humans, the system IUCN categorized it as ,, endangered species ". Saker Falcon therefore includes the right to the natural wealth of Slovakia, and deserves not only admiration, but also protection both in Slovakia, as well as globally. In this work, we evaluated the differences in the composition of the nourishment in different years, the most common causes and of factors that threaten its population, the most preferred type of an occupied nest and the development of population abundance from 2001 to 2013. Based on the observed results, we pointed out that in the past the Saker Falcon nested mainly in the mountains and alluvial forests of Slovakia, but due to human interference in its habitat, especially in the mountains of Malé Karpaty Mountains, this predator population gradually moved to the agricultural landscape. The main cause of resettlement of the population of Saker Falcon from mountains to agicultural landscape was a human impact, especially for forest activities. A huge influence on population size reduction of Saker Falcon has illegal nest robbery, disturbance of nesting pairs by forestal and agricultural activities. The major factor which contributes to diminishing its population is annually changing weather conditions and lack of food. In the past, the main prey were the European Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus citellus,L). Affected by the disposal of many pastures and intensive agriculture, its occurrence habitats nearly disappeared. In recent years, as a result of adaptation to new environment conditions, Saker Falcon dietary prefers especially pigeons. Increased incidence of Saker Falcon can therefore be seen near granaries and peri-urban areas. However, for nesting they mainly use manmade nests that one creates in the agricultural land on utility poles. Although mankind almost caused its extinction, the rescue of the entire population of Saker Falcon depend on humans.
Saker Falcon , agricultural land, Slovakia , threatening factors
Presentation: poster

