Creț C., Șeran P., Anișoara Duma Copcea, Mihuț Casiana, Ilea R., None duma_anisoara@yahoo.comAbstract. Grain maize harvesting self-propelled combines have two main sub-ensembles: cob collector and thrasher.
The cob collector detaches the cobs from the stem, carrying the leafless cobs to the thrasher, and chopping the stems.
The chopped stems can be collected in the tow or they can be spread to be incorporated in the soil.
The thrasher thrashes the cobs, separates the grains from impurities, and carries the grains to the bunker.
The objective of this study were shortening the harvesting period and increasing work productivity.
To reach these goal and to rationally operate the combines, we need to prepare the field for harvesting, to choose the way the combine will move in the field, to ensure transportation means, etc. harvesting grain maize was done on an area of 100 ha with a CASE IH 7088+CS8 harvesting combine.
The plot was divided so that useless moves of the combine in the field be minimal and the number of rows be a multiple of four.
The combine movement pattern is in linear routes with double U turns without overlapping loops.
The working capacity of grain maize harvesting combines is given by the amount of maize or by the harvested area per time unit corresponding to cultivation technology requirements in t/h or ha/h, and also on working conditions.
The combine working speed is chosen depending on maize yield per ha and on the thrasher flow, to avoid the combine being overloaded.
For the work aimed at, the CASE-IH 7088 + CS-8 self-propelled harvesting combine harvested maize along eight rows at a working width of 5.6 m.
The combine was equipped with a Diesel engine of 325 HP with an hourly productivity of24 t/h for a feeding flow of the thrasher of 18 kg/s. for a production of 6 t/ha, fuel consumption was 11.2 l/ha (1.9 l/t) and totals costs with grain maize harvesting were 79.5 RON/ha, i.e. 13.3 RON/t.
To produce more per area unit with low costs, we need to strictly observe the cultivation technology by using very complex aggregates with higher productivity.
mechanisation technology, self-propelled combine, harvesting, maize
environmental engineering
Presentation: poster