Pop Valer, Nicula R., Anișoara Duma Copcea, Mihuț Casiana, I. Radu None
ABSTRACT. Unconventional soil cultivation and its different variants used in some Romanian farms are preferred due to their cultivation technology and economic advantages, as well as to their compatibility with the Common Agricultural Policy. The option for unconventional systems depends on the system of agricultural machines and on the physical soil features, particularly clay content and compaction degree. Unconventional systems need knowledge of technological crop requirements as well as of the way fertilisation can be adapted and weeds can be controlled. Unconventional systems influence both soil features and energy inputs. Benefits of applying unconventional systems are:Soil cultivation time is reduced 2-4 times; Fuel consumption per area unit is reduced with 30-50%;The number of agricultural machines per area unit is reduced;Soil structure and surface and depth soil compaction are recovered; Organic matter in the soil increases;Water permeability in the soil increases and global soil drainage improves;Soil erosion is reduced;Plant debris on soil surface or incorporated in the soil (10-15 cm deep, where biological activity is maximum) contribute to soil flora and fauna growth;Ground and surface water quality is maintained (nutrients and pesticides are no longer washed away by erosion and more intense biological activity – associated to soil organic matter – uses and decomposes the nutrients);Air quality is maintained by reducing fossil fuel emissions (Diesel) used in the field and by reducing the carbon released in the atmosphere (it is fixed by soil organic matter increase). Humus content in the soil tends to increase with minimum soil tillage. This is partly due to larger amounts of plant debris (minimum 30%) at different decomposition stages when left on soil surface and in the first 10-20 cm and, on the other hand, to the balance between mineralisation and humidification achieved by specific physical, thermal, and biological regimes. Measuring humus content after 4 years shows an increasing trend of up to 0.41%. The values reached 3.11% in the ploughed variant and 3.12-3.52% in the minimum tillage variants.
conservative works, agricultural machines and equipment, humus content, mineral nutrients
environmental engineering
Presentation: poster

