KIŞ Şerban, SĂRĂŢEANU Veronica None
Permanent grasslands were defined in the past as natural vegetation formations, but this framing was improper because in the temperate area, as is the case of our country, grassland represents mostly secondary vegetation formations. Most of the temperate grasslands appeared after the cutting of the forest and shrub-land, respectively due to the human influence and its activities. Thus the most proper term for the grasslands from the temperate area is permanent grassland. Knowledge of the permanent grassland flora and vegetation is a very important condition having in view the obtaining of the best results after the application of the maintenance and improvement works and exploitation. In the permanent grasslands are found plant species belonging to different botanical families. They are very different considering their biological features, demands for the environmental factors, economical value etc. This great diversity is determined by the different soil and climate conditions from our country, but also by the maintenance and use intensity. The species that are found in a vegetation cover doesn’t represent a random agglomeration of plant species. They represent functional units for the accumulation and transformation of the solar energy, respectively grassland ecosystems. Thus, they have distinct features, but in the same time are under direct and continuous influence of the internal factors (autogenous), ecological factors (alogenous) and the maintenance and exploitation system (anthropogenous), all those factors determining the floristic composition of the grassland. One of the most important roles of the grassland was to provide the necessary feed to the herbivores. The oldest and the most economic feed is the one obtained from natural grasslands respectively by grazing, when the animal is grazing, the humans only guarding the animals and applying minimal maintenance works. Natural grasslands from our country are very important, due to their surface, productivity and biodiversity, and due to their functions for the economy and environment. The importance of the paper topic is given by the fact that grasslands represent a natural resource of feed for the domestic herbivores, being very important for the farmers. The purpose of the work was to evaluate a grassland vegetation cover from the communal pasture of the locality Jebel from Timiş County to evaluate its condition. The researches had in view the analysis of several vegetation features as it follows: floristic composition, life-form specter, geographical elements specter, and ecological specters for temperature, moisture and soil pH.
lowland grassland, floristic composition, life-form specter, geographical elements specter and ecological specters.
field crops and pastures
Presentation: poster

