Constantin Toader, Marilena MĂRGHITAŞ, Mihaela MIHAI, M. Şandor None
The purpose of the research presented in the paper envision the rationalization of fertilizing mineral inputs and their reduction by promoting certain alternatives for the promotion of alternatives and strategies fo the efficient involvement in differentiated fetilization systems of unconventional resources (foliar fertilizers). Throughout the research period, a study was conducted on the effect of differentiated fertilizations through field experiements in order to assess the differentiation of maize grain productions  and nutrient accummulation in the soil and plant, by means of laboratory analyses. The data obtained will be part of an agrochemical optimization model of the soil-plant system in maize  crop, by setting the domains of soil fertility maintenance, as well as those of agrochemical risk (insufficiency-defficiecy, excess-toxicity) for grain production. The paper presents the testing of foliar fertilizers in maize crop in the Transylvania area on a chernozem (phaeozem) soil for the quantitative and qualitative increase of maize grain production per hectare. The completion of this paper is due to a series of experiments involving a wide range of foliar fertilizers in the experimental field of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca at the SDE Co jocna throughout the year 2010. The production results obtained as a consequence of the experiments reveals the essential character of foliar interventions in the context of an optimal soil supply of nutrition elements. The application of foliar fertilizers in plants has had a complementary role providing higher usage coefficients of the active substance in soil and soil-applied fertilizers. These experiments in researching the effects of certain unconventional fertilization sources (foliar fertilizers) are of the utmost importance, originality and novelty in the field of agrochemistry, due to yet unsoved problems with regard to fertilization combinations: exclusively mineral soil fertilization; exclusively organic soil fertilization; organo-mineral soil fertilization. It is thus clear that the experiments and overall research in the preset paper are up-to-date, useful and aim at the recovery of detrimental situations (agrochemical risk- insufficienty-defficiency; excess-toxicity for grain production) and provide with alternatives for the differentiation of fertilization systems in the field that can include practical solutions that are both agrochemically and economically accessible. These solutions include varieties of complex balanced NP fertilizers and a wide range of balanced foliar fertilizers, as well as organo-mineral ones that can enhance the efficiency of application for soil-incorporated fertilizers and even diminish the mineral input of this intervention. These fertilization alternatives for the potato crop accompanied by a rigorous agrochemical control ensure a diversity of practical solutionns for the achievement of the agrochemical optimum in the soil-plant system. The paper was supported through the project: POSTDOCTORAL SCHOOL IN THE FIELD OF AGICULTURE AND VETERINARY MEDICINE Contract n.: POSDRU/89/1.5/S/62371 .
productions, nutrients, fertilizers, maize grains
Presentation: oral

