Iulia SOPCA, Raluca PERESCU, Ioana MARCHIȘ, Casiana MIHUȚ, Valera CIOLAC, Anișoara DUMA-COPCEA None
Abstract. This paper presents a brief description of the soil cover in the Lighed, Lunca Timișului Forest Administration (Romania), and of the woody vegetation within the studied perimeter for sustainable use.(11) Together with the other elements of the environment (water, air, vegetation, and fauna), soil is the essential element that ensures food for both plants and humans and animals, participating in the different vital cycles of ecosystems; it is the cradle and source of existence for humankind. Hence the necessity of deeply knowing nature and soil features, its functions, its complex relationships with other components of the environment for sustainable use and soil reserve management, so that soil cover be free of damage that could impact the environment.(9) Studies were carried out within the production unit VII Lighed, part of the Lunca Timişului Forest Administration, Forest Office Timişoara – National Regie of Forests, where it covers 1657.3 ha in north-west. (4) This paper presents climate and edaphic ecological indicators differentiating forest stations from the perspective of their economic value. The permanent hydrographic network is made up of the Timiş River and Pogonici Rivulet. (6,10) The goal of the paper was to identify soils within this forest administration for proper, effective, and sustainable use. (7) Research was carried out in the field, laboratory, and office. The goals of the study were knowing the physical geographical landscape, determining ecologic and climatic indicators based on local Weather Stations, identifying natural vegetation depending on their yielding level (high, medium, and low), describing soils and station types, and making recommendations after establishing the economic value of each forest station. (3) Research in the field and in the laboratory allowed us to identify the following soil types and sub-types: chernic gleysol, gleysol, alluvial gley soil, and mollic alluvial gley soil.(2,5)
Keywords: soil cover, sustainable use, forest administration, chernic gleysol, gleysol, alluvial gley soil, mollic alluvial gley soil.
sciences soil
Presentation: oral

