Antoniya Stoyanova, Darina Stoyanova None toni_1219@abv.bgThe report briefly analyzed the effectiveness of tied support for protein crops. The objective of state aid policy in the field of Agriculture is to improve the economic efficiency of farms and the standard of living of the employed in the sector. State aids to Agriculture are provided in accordance with EU legislation in this field and according to the capabilities of the state budget. The support scheme for farmers for protein crops is only part of the State payments for the European Union`s Common Agricultural Policy for the 2015-2020 programming period. Entitlements under the scheme are producers in the whole country who cultivate at least 0.5 hectares of eligible crops (together or separately) of protein crops. The analysis reveals a tendency for beneficiaries to increase as opposed to the funds allocated under the scheme. The support rate for protein crops shall be determined for each year, as fixed in the budget plan are divided into eligible for support decars with protein crops for a particular year. The purpose of this article is to determine the extent to which protein crop production has been influenced and what types of protein crops in Bulgaria have been introduced since the introduction of the EU's new scheme of tied protein support. Before the introduction of direct support for protein crops from the CAP, the area under pulses in Bulgaria decreased ten times for the period 2001-2011, the analysis shows increased interest in farmers, due to European subsidies. Protein crops are characterized by high biological and nutritional value. They have a high biological potential in optimizing growing conditions. As a result of irrigation, productivity gains in soybeans and field peas have been found to be over 56% and 27% relative to the yields obtained from natural moisture. In the conditions of limited water resource it is important to how effective the irrigation rate is used to form additional yield.
protein crops, subvention, yield, correlation, efficiency, state aids
field crops and pastures
Presentation: poster