Casiana MIHUȚ, A. OKROS, Anișoara DUMA-COPCEA, V.D. MIRCOV, Florina Nicoleta BOJINESCU None casianamihut@yahoo.com
This paper presents the main factors limiting soil fertility in the Moldova Noua area, Caras-Severin County, Romania. The goals of this paper are: characterising the natural landscape, identifying and characterising soil types and subtypes, describing the factors limiting soil fertility, and presenting soil fertility improvement and protection measures. The material used is represented by the main soil subtypes in the studied area. Results allowed the description of the most important factors limiting soil fertility and the suggestion of soil fertility protection, conservation and recovery solutions, i.e. agricultural and soil improvement works. This was determined by the very complex soils located in a relatively moist climate area and on a strongly fragmented relief made up mainly of a wide variety of rocks. Along the valleys, there are prepodsols and different subtypes of prepodsols, together with regosols and erodosols, while on the terraces, there are stagnogley prepodsols and, in the mountain area, podzols, rendzinas and lithosols are predominant. Moldova Noua is located in southern Caras-Severin County, Romania, on the Danube River, covering 146 km2. Geologically, the territory belongs almost entirely to the Meridional Carpathians, namely to the Locvei Mountains, which are made up of lime rocks and crystal shales rich in copper. In lime areas altitude reaches over 700 m. To study the factors limiting soil cover fertility in Moldova Noua, Caras-Severin, Romania, we had to conduct a set of laboratory analyses. The studied area belongs to Moldova Noua, Caras-Severin County, Romania, and is characterised by varied geological and physical and geographical conditions, which generated a complex soil cover represented by 6 types and 77 subtypes of soil: Luvisols, measuring 932.06 ha (15.23%) of the studied area; Entianthroposols, measuring 0.63 ha (0.01%); Chernozems, measuring 3,977.24 ha (65%); Phaeozems, measuring 1,001.77 ha (16.37%); Pelosols, measuring 18.35 ha (0.30%); and Vertosols, measuring 188.8 ha (3.09%). The aide range of factors influencing soil fertility caused a wide variety of soil subtypes: this diversity is of considerable importance for each crop from the perspective of crop favourability and suitability.
limiting factors, soil, fertility, acidity, texture, moisture excess, erosion, slope
sciences soil
Presentation: poster

