Alina Lavinia CALUSERU, Luminiţa COJOCARIU, Marinel Nicolae HORABLAGA, Florin MARIAN, Cristian BOSTAN, Mădălina IORDACHE NoneAbstract : Until 2011, in the Timiş County there were declared by the M.O. no. 1964/2007 five Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) - 13,21% of the country surface, designated as a result of the implementation Habitats Directive no. 92/43/CEE and five Bird Special Protected Areas declared by the Government Decision no. 1284/2007 regarding the declaration of special protected areas, as a result of the implementation Birds Directive no. 79/409/EEC (modified and completed). Partially, some of these sites are superposed, being designated both as SAC and SPA, and a part of them is superposed too over the protected natural areas of national interest (national parks, natural parks and reservations). The management of the special areas of conservation necessitates appropriate plans of management, specific to the designated sites or integrated within other management plans and legal, administrative or contractual measures with the purpose to avoid the deterioration of the natural habitats and species habitats, as well as the disturbance of the species for which the areas were designated (3). Within the sites Natura 2000 declared in the Timiş County by the order no. 1964/2007, with partial distribution at county level, there were identified the following natural grassland habitats of community interest (1): 6430 - Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels; 6440 – Alluvial meadows of river valleys of the Cnidion dubii; 40A0* - 6510 - Lowland hay meadows ( Alopecurus pratensis, Sanguisorba officinalis); Subcontinental peri-Pannonic shrub; 1530* - Pannonic salt steppes and salt marshes. As can be observed, the sites Natura 2000 designated in Timiş County, also have as protection object 2 priority natural grassland habitats, meaning natural habitats in danger of disappearing, for whose conservation the European Community has a special responsibility, because of their reduced areas on the territory of European Union. Considering that national legislation in the field of biodiversity, which transposed the stipulations of the European legislation in the field, established that administration of the protected natural areas must assure the favourable conservation status and the sustainable management of the natural habitats for which they were designated, fact that requires the nomination of a responsible person or entity, by this present paper it is realised a situation concerning the state of putting in custody of the protected natural areas of community interest from Timiş County and the achievement of their management plans and administration regulations .
grasslands, natural habitats, priority grassland habitats, administration, management plan, administration regulation.
Presentation: oral