Adrian BORCEAN, Ilinca IMBREA, Gheorghe DAVID None adrian_borcean@yahoo.comOn the evaluation process of the health status of the medicinal plants from spontaneous flora which was started in 2014 and continue even in present, there were a some pathogens which prove to require a closer attention. This attention is motivated by two reasons: first is the endemic character of those pathogens and the second reason is that the species of the plants affected by those pathogens have very well-known cultivated relative species. Also if we take in consideration that the breeding process in general reduce the plant resistence to diseases unless the breeder have a good source of resistance genes which could be conveniently imported in the new genotype. In the present paper is presented the situation of the plants from wild species of peppermint (Mentha longifolia, M. aquatica, M. arvensis and M. verticilliata) which have sufferd during the last five years by the attack of fungus Septoria menthae. This fungus affect mainly the leaves of the plants and it is well known in general that the main crop from peppermint plants are the leaves which must have a good quality. After the Septoria menthae attack, some parts of the affected leaves will be lost and so there will be quantity and quality lose of the peppermint crop. The general progress of this disease on the leaves start with a general chlorosis, than the leaf spots turn on necrosis with dark brown or black points which represent fungus fructification body, picnidia with picnospores. The data from the present paper was collected from populations of the wild peppermint species situated on a large area between Anina which is situated at an altitude of 710 m above the sea level and Moldova Nouă which is situated at an altitude of approximately 140 m above the sea level. The pathogen infectios potential was appreciated during the five years surveillance after attack degree calculated on the base of attack frequency and intensity collected from the field.
Mentha sp., Septoria menthae
Presentation: oral