Adalbert Okros, Paul Pîrșan, Casiana Mihuț, Mircov Vlad Dragroslav, Bojinescu Florina Nicoleta, Ienciu Anisoara, Maria Manuela Crista None
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the situation of agriculture in the commune of Orţişoara through the areas and productions obtained and the agricultural systems practiced. Located in the northern part of Timiş County, Orţişoara, the commune with the same name, is 24.1 km away from Timişoara. In the composition of this administrative territory are Ortişoara, Călacea, Corneşti and Seceani. The geographical location of the commune during the passage between the plain and the hill areas has allowed, from ancient times, to develop an efficient agriculture in these lands. Orţişoara commune covers an area of 12,960 ha, of which 12,907 ha represents the agricultural land. The agricultural area of the commune is 12,907 ha and it consists of the following categories: arable 11,595 ha, pastures 645 ha, haymaking 589 ha, orchards 69 ha and living 9 ha. As for the classification of this area in quality classes, for the “arable” category, the situation is as follows: 1st class 2,563 ha (19.88%), 2nd class 5,687 ha (44.0%), 3rd class 292 hectares (17.0%), 4th class 855 ha (6.6%) and 5th class 1,610 hectares (12.5%). The limiting factors that strike on the quality of the land (soils) in that the cadastral territory of Ortişoara commune is characterised by the soil reaction (due to the low values on 47.7%), the low humus content (34.8%), slope and surface erosion (17.5%). The paper includes data on the area cultivated with various crops, the yields obtained, the application of fertilizers, amendments, the agricultural parcel, the livestock sector, companies and agricultural constructions during the years 2015-2017. The main crops are: wheat, sorghum, triticale, corn, soybeans, sugar beet, rape and sunflower. Both cultivated areas and yields vary from year to year according to the chosen crop technology (rotation, care, etc.) and pedo-climatic conditions. In addition to cultivating various crops, farmers also deal with animal husbandry. In Orţişoara, there are 33 agricultural companies, which together have an agricultural area of 9,415.25 ha: this shows that agriculture is one of the main occupations of the population in the area, a source of sustainable income and an area in continuous development.
agricultural systems, soils, uses, crops and yields
sciences soil
Presentation: poster

