Ph.D. Stud. Eng. MĂRUNȚELU I., Prof. Ph.D. Eng. BRĂTUCU Gh. None
The soil processing process is the basis of most agricultural technologies in agriculture. Sustainable development is the concept underlying the maintenance of resources and land conservation. Ensuring a healthy and harmonious environment, i.e. the quality of soil, water, air, vegetation and food, are fundamental human rights. In order to achieve these conditions, in the peasant households manual tools are still widely used for working the soil, especially in gardens and on small areas of land near the farm. In these places you can also use a relatively new hand tool successfully used by Russian gardeners, namely "chudo-shovel" or "shovel - wonder".This tool simultaneously plays the role of fork, shovel and rake by digging, harrowing, loosening and smoothing the soil. Unlike the ordinary shovel that requires a great effort on the part of the user, with a "miracle-shovel" which is based on the principle of "the breakdown effect", the soil can be worked on small areas of land by elderly people or even people with spinal disorders. However, the mechanization of agricultural works is a basic activity in agriculture and acts in close dependence with biological factors, with the potential of the soil executing a favorable influence on the growth of agricultural production. For this we have adapted such a tool to a mechanized production process being operated by a digger with engine by a double chain transmission from the support and displacement wheels. The functional optimization of the equipment was achieved through a dynamic analysis and a simulation of the movement of the working organs when entering the ground. Thus, the work presents a dynamic modeling, by using software, of the manual tool for working the soil (miracle-shovel), adapted to mechanical actuation with the help of a digger with engine. The dynamic model was realized by using the following elements: tool components, kinematic couplings between components, the characteristics of the materials from which the components are executed, the system of forces and the moments of action. Following the dynamic simulation process, there were represented: the forces and moments in the joints, the forces in the working organs, and the speeds in the system.
manual tool, dynamic model, software, dynamic simulation, double quadrilateral mechanism
sciences soil
Presentation: oral


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