Ciprian TUDOR, Lucian DINCĂ None cipriantudor95@yahoo.com
Through the success of some famous botanists, the ”Alexandru Beldie” Herbarium gained a symbolic allure by preserving and keeping in the attention of the researchers a lot of important and special species, belonging to certain genres of plants and which is currently hosted by National Institute of Research and Development in Forestry "Marin Drăcea", from Bucharest. Genus Bromus, also called the genus of herbs, making apart from this herbarium. Thus, this article presents some important aspects related to this genus. Methods and materials used the collection of vouchers as well as the information processed in excel to create a database. Moreover, for each sample in the collection, the year and place of harvesting were used, as well as the person who handled the collection of these taxa. With the help of the obtained data, it was possible to draw the analysis regarding the key periods in which the plants were harvested and also their diversified distribution regarding the place of harvesting. The obtained results consisted in the identification of the number of plants collected in small spreaded intervals of 9 years and the use of 4 degrees of conservation of the species, surpassing the quality of their maintenance throughout these years. The degree of novelty is represented by the description for the first time of this genus within this herbarium. The content is elaborated by a unique analysis, including details related to the history of the genus Bromus as well as the present benefits. The originality of the work is shown by the fact that at the process of collecting the plants it was realized by famous botanists, reflecting the influence on the biodiversity and who have put all the necessary bases in order to obtain the characteristics of the Genus Bromus. The importance of this paper work comes from perspective of contents presented in this spectacular herbarium, which hosts a lot of plants species from different genres, also Genus Bromus. Also, some species were transfered from another herbariums belonging of International Institutions, which is also a good thing for improving the „Alexandru Beldie” Herbarium.
genre, herbarium, Bromus Genus, harvesting period, degree of conservation
field crops and pastures
Presentation: poster

