Anișoara DUMA-COPCEA, Casiana MIHUȚ, R. ILEA, Corina SÎRBU, Daniela Nicoleta SCEDEI, Valer POP, Feidi Anuța None duma_anisoara@yahoo.com
The purpose of this paper is to show the mechanization technology for wheat harvesting with self-propelled grain harvester. The objectives are well organising the harvesting of grain cereals using the full working time, avoiding unnecessary stalling and empty driving, using the machines at their maximum working rate and fitting into the specific fuel consumption, which requires working properly on plots by choosing the most appropriate method. The recommendation is that for optimal working time use, it will be considered to correlate the number of combines according to the area of the plot to be harvested taking into account the productivity of the combines and the production per hectare. This is of particular importance in shortening the harvesting period because it avoids the movement of combines from one plot to another during the day when conditions permit harvesting The technological process of harvesting cereal grains is generally conditioned by a series of agrobiological factors characteristic of cereal crops such as crop variety, grain and stem maturity, grain-to-stem ratio, grain and stem humidity, stem fall rate, weeding rate, etc . All these factors have made it necessary in time to find suitable constructive solutions so that the mechanized harvesting of the basic product (grains) and of secondary products (straw and chaff) are done in the best conditions, observing the modern agrotechnical requirements, thus avoiding grain loss and damage, while ensuring a high degree of purity of the harvested product . The harvesting of the cereal grains can be done in one phase (full harvesting) or divided into several phases (two or three phases). At present, harvesting of grain cereals is, in most cases, done in a single phase using the combine. But there are situations, especially in damp crops, when they cannot be harvested with a single pass in the optimal period. In these cases, two-phase split harvesting is used, which allows the harvest to be prolonged by 5-8 days, but this harvesting technology requires additional work and equipment. It is recommended that, while operating, the engine should work at maximum speed to work properly the organs of the combine
mechanization technology, wheat harvest, self-propelled combine
sciences soil
Presentation: poster

