G. TOADER 4,1, Valentina FILIP1, C. CHIURCIU 1, Viorica CHIURCIU 1, Valentina FILIP 1, N. MAIEREAN 1 , P. SEVCIUC 1, P. CHIȚONU 1, Elena-Violeta TOADER5, Floarea BURNICHI 2, E. MIREA 2, Ana-Maria NECHITA3, Nelly FÎNARU3, L. ILIE None
The paper has the role to promote certain sustainable production systems, diversified and balanced, in order to prevent pollution of agricultural crops, the environment, the conversion of agri-food waste (whey) into veterinary medical products as well as the implementation of green, non-polluting technologies in the agricultural sector. The purpose of this work is to present and use the newest innovative technologies into the agricultural field and replace the traditional polluting products (chemical fertilizers), so that the farmers can reaches a much greater potential over the recorded productions. The alternative to the chemical fertilizers is fertilizer based on bacterial cultures. In agriculture, the main source of nutrition is the nutrients. These are the basis for the growth and development of cultural plants, and they are indispensable to any form of life. On the other hand, the amount of nutrients at some point in time may decrease or increase depending on certain pedoclimatic factors, soil typology, the ability of plants to return some of the nutrients consumed (by the decomposition of crop residues) and so on. Food safety, a normal objective for any man, farm and enterprise, is aimed to producing sufficient, varied and cheap food, corresponding to the physiological requirements and purchasing power of any person. In the developed countries, this objective has been achieved and often exceeded substantially by promoting intensive systems for both land cultivation, animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, as well as modern methods of processing and marketing agricultural products. Mechanization, chemization, animal husbandry technologies, technologies for applying treatments, growing plants and raising more and more productive animals, and modernizing processing and marketing systems have contributed, first and foremost, to improving human living conditions, as much as volume. and diversity of agri-food products, as well as accessible to buyers. In order to protect the environment and the agri-food health and safety of humans and animals, the company Romvac Company S.A has developed a series of innovative technologies with the help of the farmer have obtained certain ecological products for their use in the agro-zoo-veterinary field.
biofertilisers, azospirillium lipoferum, azotobacter chroococcum, bacillus megaterium, Rom-Agrobiofertil NP, sustainable agriculture, Romvac Company S.A
Presentation: oral

