Andrada GAVRA1, Florina Nicoleta BOJINESCU1, Casiana MIHUT1, Adalbert OKROS1, Anișoara DUMA-COPCEA None
The paper gives a broad description on the conditions of soil formation in the town of Sânpetru Mare, Timiș County, respectively on the relief, climate, rocks, hydrology and hydrography, vegetation and man. Sanpetru Mare is 55.5 km away from Timișoara and the nearest city is Sânnicolau Mare, 14 km. The commune, covers an area of 19,852 ha, of which 18,836 ha is represented by the agricultural land, being a locality located in the Mureș - Aranca Plain in the northwest part of the Banat Plain. In its composition are the localities Sânpetru Mare, Igriş and Saravale. The climate is a temperate continental, with hot and dry summers and mild winters, the relief being a plain, having small altitudes of only 82-95 m. Hydrographically, the locality is located in the Mureş river basin, respectively the upper basin of the Aranca river, which led to the formation of alluvial soils, such as alluvium, with a different texture on the profile and the gleiosols. Where the groundwater is enriched with salts and sodium ions, the soils of the Salsodisols class have been formed, respectively solonceacs and solonates. Depending on these factors: climate, relief, rock, vegetation and geomorphological forms, the spread of soils within this perimeter is different. While in the meadow and low plains, these are formed exclusively on alluvia and have evolved under the direct influence of groundwater, in the other areas, the soils are formed on loess, which has led to the sleeping of fertile soils such as chernozem. and vertosols, in the case of soils formed on the contractile-inflating clays. From the field studies, it was concluded that the soils that are widespread in the immediate vicinity of the valleys of Aranca and Galațca, are generally represented by alluviosols, those spread in Lunca Mureșului and of the Aranca canal, are represented by gleiosols (cerns, mollusks) and alkalized), solonceacs and solonates and those widespread in the plain area, are represented by chernozems, vertosols and zonal soils. These soils present a series of limitations, either due to the shallow presence of groundwater, which is found in gleiosols, solonceacs and solonites, or in the clay texture, as is the case in vertosols.
formation conditions, soil cover, climate, relief, rock
sciences soil
Presentation: poster

