Andrada GAVRA1, Florina Nicoleta BOJINESCU1, Casiana MIHUT1, Adalbert OKROS1, Anișoara DUMA-COPCEA1 None
This case study was carried out in the village of Sânpetru Mare from Timiș county, for a period of thow years, respectively in 2018 and 2019. The paper makes a brief presentation of the soils in this area and of the way of their use, depending on fertility class, respectively their suitability. The town of Sânpetru Mare, has a total area of 19,852 ha, of which the agricultural area is 18,836 ha, having the following uses: 15,539 ha arable land; 3,110 ha of grassland; 167 ha of hay, 9 ha of living and 11 ha of orchards. For the arable land use category, the soils are divided into five quality classes. The largest surface, of 33.58% is classified in class III -a, followed by class II, with 29.83% and class I -a, with 20.13%. The soils encountered in this area were classified in the following classes: the class protisols, through alluviosols; the Cernisols class, through the chernozems; Vertisols class, through vertosols; Hydrisols class, through gleiosols and Salsodisols class, through solons. Most of the inhabitants of the commune deal with agriculture, either as a main occupation or as a secondary occupation. Among the crops, the largest areas are occupied by wheat, maize, sunflower, barley, oats, and triticale. The vegetables occupy small areas, although the soils in the area are suitable for growing vegetables, especially alluviosols and chernozems, but due to the low and unevenly distributed rainfall during the vegetation period and the high temperatures, in the absence of irrigation systems, the crops have to suffer and the yields obtained they are low and of poor quality. Vegetable culture is practiced only in the personal gardens, where the inhabitants of the commune have a source of water within reach and in this way it is possible to irrigate them. Moreover, the vine-growing plantations occupy small areas, the land being generally flat and the groundwater being at shallow depths of less than 2.5 m, is not suitable for the cultivation of fruit trees and vines.
case study, soils, agricultural systems, agricultural crops, climatic conditions
sciences soil
Presentation: poster

