M. SIMON1, Loredana COPĂCEAN1, Luminiţa COJOCARIU1,2 None
In the last decades, the development of the technique, technology and programs for data and information processing have had a positive impact through the progress in many fields of activity, including the UAV technology. The results of using UAVs equipped with high-performance digital cameras are spectacular, materializing in the first phase in orthophotoplanes that can be exploited for obtaining spatial information with high accuracy and then in three-dimensional models. Because for the processing of digital images, the preparation of orthophotoplanes as well as the three-dimensional models requires specialized operators and "powerful" technical resources, the purpose of these works is to present two alternatives for viewing the data sets in the online environment using a web browser. These alternatives are open-source and allow users to view millions of data sets from sources such as LiDAR or real-time photogrammetry in standard web browsers. In this context, the research presented in this paper was conducted in the western area of Romania, on the administrative territory of Arad county, in the village of Odvoș, the commune of Conop. As a case study, a pasture surface, but also the surrounding area, was selected in order to obtain the orthophotoplan and its three-dimensional model which were subsequently uploaded to web applications and thus available to users for extracting spatial and descriptive information. The GNSS positioning technique was used to determine the coordinates of the photogrammetric landmarks, the measurements were made with a Leica GS08 Plus GNSS receiver, which allows the determination of the spatial position of an interest point using the RTK method. To take aerial images, a DJI Phantom 4 Pro unmanned aerial vehicle was used, equipped with positioning sensors and mapping sensors. One of the main benefits of point cloud visualization in the browser is that it allows users to share their data sets with the public without having to install third-party applications or transfer huge amounts of data. The data set collected by photogrammetry for this study was shared on the two platforms, Potree and Sketchfab and users can view the mapped grassland using the drone, in 3D, but they can also extract important data such as: inventory of trees as well as their height, measurement of fixed elements such as roads and canals, surface calculation, transverse or longitudinal profiles.
UAV, 3D point cloud, grassland, Potree, Sketchfab
environmental engineering
Presentation: poster

