Florina MANCIU1, O TIMBOTA ¹, V. BELIN¹, R. BERTICI1, M.V. HERBEI1 None mihai_herbei@yahoo.comThe work represents the delimitation of a river basin from the NE side of Timis county using GIS tehnology. GIS (Geographic Information System) is a system that allows the collection, storage, management, analysis and processing of spatially distributed data through a computerized process, having it’s roots in the science of geography. A GIS has the ability to store data that has a geographic reference and can store topographic details of the terrain and their attributes. Before taking the necessary steps for the hydrographic analaysis, the DEM model was corrected, by filling in some existing gaps in the model, gaps that represent certain errors that appeared in the model creation. The hydrographic analaysis of the area was done using ArcGIS software. ArcGIS Desktop let you analayze data and generate geographic knowledge, to examine relationships, to test predictions and ultimately to make better decisions. ArcGIS Desktop includes ArcGIS Pro, ArcCatalog and ArcMap. In this work paper we used ArcMap. ArcMap is the main component of ESRI’s ArcGIS suite of geospatial processing programs an dis used primarly to view, edit, create and analyze geospatial data. ArMap allows the user to explore data within a data set, symbolize features accordingly and create maps. This is done through two distinct sections of the program, the table of contents and the data frame. It presents graphical information that indicates the spatial distribution of the studied elements as well as infromation in database form to store the attributes associated with these elements. By using Esri solutions we have estabilshed the direction of the water flow in the area. We have also identified areas where the wave can accumulate using the „flow accumulation” command. Data is the mos important but also the mos expensive component of geographical information systems. The geographic data and the associated table data can come from the internal sources of an organization or can be obtained from specialized distributors.
Hidrography, GIS, Models
environmental engineering
Presentation: poster