Adrian BORCEAN1, Casiana MIHUȚ1, Adalbert OKROS1 None
Cherry leaf spot (Blumeriella jaapi f.c. Phloeosporella padi) is one of the most harmful diseases present in the cherry orchards in Romania because it leads to the early drying of the leaves and even to the deformation of the cherries. This leads to a decrease of the crop quality. On the other hand, due to the early loss of a large number of leaves too early, the resistance of the trees to winter frost is reduced. This pathogen, along with the brown rot of cherries (Monilinia laxa fc Monilia laxa) is one of the well-founded reasons for two treatments, and in some years with warmer and wet spring even three treatments, in the first third of the vegetation period in the orchards cherry and cherry from the southwestern part of Romania. One of the main causes of the annual occurrence of this pathogen in the cherry orchards located in the sub-mountain area in the mentioned area is the existence of a large quantity of the inoculum from the spontaneous flora. The problem of existence in the forests of the mountain and sub-mountain areas of the wild cherry or of the cherry or bitter cherry (Cerasium avium var.silvestris) is well known, as they are known popular language in the reference area. These cherry trees in the spontaneous flora generally have the same pathogens as those of the varieties in the cherry plantations in this area. Therefore, the spread of pathogens is very easy and the transmission through air currents from the forests near the plantations is only a matter of microclimate and time. Knowing the infectious pressure of these pathogens is an advantage of farmers who have cherry plantations because in this way they can appreciate the need to apply treatments. Based on the properties of the pathogenesis and the epidemiology of these pathogens, it is possible to assess the exact moment of the intervention with a treatment and also, very economically important, a protection strategy in the orchard can be carried out, including the phytosanitary products with which it is used will intervene.
Cerasium avium var.silvestris, Phloeosporella padi infectious preassure
Presentation: poster

