D. DICU, D. ŢĂRĂU, Silvica ONCIA, A. ŢĂRĂU, Alexandra CÂMPEAN NoneThe purpose of research is accumulating scientific data on physical, hydro-physical andchemical characteristics of soil, necessary to support scientific and technical measures to stop the trendof desertification, through a complex firm approach of physical-geographical conditions from VingaPlain. Between soil characteristics and main cultivated or spontaneous species, it can be establishrelationships of a diverse and complex reciprocity. The soil characteristics can influence the developmentof the root system, mineral nutrition, providing aero-hydric and thermal regime needed to carry the mainphysiological processes and the plants can influence directly and indirectly the state of soil fertility.Research on the main physical and chemical characteristics of the soil were taken by many scientists inthe country and abroad, since the beginning of last century, and the German classification system hasbeen developed mainly based on soil texture in the so-called stages of its evolution. As part of the soil, theclay plays an important role in the relations established between certain physical and chemicalproperties of the soil and between them and the activities of organisms that inhabit it. Knowing thesefeatures of soil has a great theoretical and practical importance. Theoretical, because the specialist caninterpret the phenomena that occur in soil and predict soil evolution in particular and environmentevolution in the general and practical because it warns the practitioner on the measures that must betaken to bring land under optimal conditions for the growth and development of cultivated plants. Thedesertification trends are summarized but detailed presented, first being with the natural causes (climaticand edaphic conditions in terms of risk phenomena) and then the anthropic causes (deforestation,inappropriate agricultural practices, industrial pollution). The main indicators of desertification,according with UNCCD, are represented by increased solar radiation intensity, changing of theappearance characteristics of flora and fauna species adapted to desert conditions, perennial vegetationreduced below 5% and its concentration along the river system, soil erosion and loss of productioncapacity, drastic reduction of surface water and groundwater. The directions to reduce the effects ofdrought in the short, medium and long terms are the protection and conservation of existing waterresources and building new water reservoirs, protection and soil conservation, protection andpreservation of ecosystems, sustainable development of agriculture and forestry, public participation inthe implementation of drought mitigation measures.
biodiversity, cooperation, cohesion, sustainability, monitoring
Presentation: oral