Our changing world, characterised by an increasing mobility of skilled workers, needs, more than ever, to improve the quality and effectiveness of services, hence the necessity to improve the effectiveness and quality of the training systems. Tourism and agri-tourism are increasingly important in an increasing number of countries of the world. High-quality, effective tourism services rely on good communication skills. Though some professionals in the field seem more concerned with the skills that could improve an individual and some educators seem to focus on skills that could help individuals work with others, the need to improve communication skills is shared by both stakeholders. This paper clearly defines concepts such as communication and communication skills (confidence, critical thinking, customer service, emotional intelligence, empathy, leadership, patience, project management, public speaking, social skills, and time management). Other authors group basic communication skills into behavioural characteristics, event planning and management, fluency in a foreign language, new media acumen, presentation skills, relationship building, relationships with vendors and agencies, visual communication skills, and writing and editing skills. In tourism, the most important communication skills are diplomacy, elective oral and written communication skills, human relations skills, and professional ethical standards. The paper emphasises what educators – body language, good instructions, and transfer of knowledge to their students – through case studies, educational games, group work, internship, out-of-class assignment, pair work, psychodrama, role-play, and simulation – and educational materials (language sue, teaching rules, and visual aids) should focus on in their attempt to improve communicators' skills in tourism and agritourism. Tourism actors should manage to build up. The conclusion of the study is that, in order to be good communicators, students majoring in tourism should be able to build up reports effortless, to be good listeners, and to observe the 7 principles of feedback given that adequate training of staff (employee, farmer, members of farmer’s family) is important in ensuring a high-level customer satisfaction
Communication skills, communicators, improvement, tourism, agritourism
social sciences
Presentation: poster

