L. DINCĂ, I. CÂNTAR None dinka.lucian@gmail.com
The present paper reunites in a subjective synthesis data from forest management plans from the West Plain realized during 1995-2008. The study was focused on stands under conservation regime that have in their composition one of the most important tree species from Romania: oaks. The research method has involved extracting from the data base the subparcels belonging to the 1-3C functional category. As such, the following elements were analysed: the surface occupied by oak stands in the West Plain, the species included in their composition, age, pruning, field inclination, altitude, flora, forest type, soil and forest station. According to the Forest Management Technical Norms, namely to the framing of forests in groups, subgroups and functional categories, the 1-3 functional category is represented by Forests with protection functions against climatic and harmful industrial factors and belongs to the 3d functional subgroup (Forests with protection functions against climatic and harmful industrial factors) from the 1st functional group (Forests with special protection functions). The research’s results show that oak forests under conservation regime represent over 1/3 of the entire surface of forest with protection functions against climatic and harmful industrial factors from the West Plain. Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) is the most widespread species from these types of stands, covering a total area of 1370 ha. Red oak (Quercus rubra L.) is another oak species that can be found in a significant percentage in the West Plain forests. The altitude at which stands under the conservation regime can be found in the West Plain range between 110 and 340 m. The specific fields are plane while the soils are mostly situated in the stagnic luvisol category. Carex brizoides-Agrostis alba is the most widespread type of flora from these stands. This paper’s results can be a pillar for an adequate management of these stands as well as for their conservation and for the perpetuation of their protection role.
oak stands, West Plain, altitude, exposition, field slope.
environmental engineering
Presentation: poster


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