Adalbert, OKROS1, Paul PÎRȘAN, Vlad MIRCOV, Casiana MIHUȚ, Maria Manuela CRISTA None
In the current international economic situation of prolonged food crisis, agricultural products have ensured a safe sale, bringing to agricultural producers’ remunerative income, which contributes to their material well-being. The world’s great political and food powers have turned food aid into a political weapon, dominating the least developed or food-strapped countries. The fate and importance of agriculture is linked to the economic, social and political importance of the farmer as a factor of production and development in any society. The economic importance of the farmer is determined by the possibility of self-satisfaction of his most significant needs to live – food. Therefore, the farmer is more independent and more resistant to exhortations or measures that come from outside his concerns. Having been able to adjust his own balance of income and expenses, more than any other professional, he is able to multiply his own wealth, thus contributing to the increase of national wealth. The special social importance of farmers derives from their undying love of ancestral land, nurtured for centuries with the blood of estates and ancestors. Therefore, the farmer is the guarantor of the preservation of ancestral traditions, of the customs of the earth, which give content to the personality of a people. From a political point of view, farmers form the basis of national existence. Therefore, even in the case of Romania, their strength is the strength of the state. Romanian statesman, lawyer, historian and publicist Mihail Kogălniceanu (1817-1891) said that peasants are the very most powerful element of the Romanian nation because they are the country itself. The Commune of Tormac is located in the southeast of Timiş County, Romania. It borders to the north the communes of Niţchidorf and Sacoșul Turcesc, to the south with the Commune of Gătaia, to the west with the communes of Voiteg and Liebling, and to the east with Caraş-Severin County. Tormac comprises the villages of Tormac, Şipet and Cadar. Tormac is 135 m above sea level and, morphologically, the territory of the area falls within the sub-hill plain of Şipet and the Pogonici Plain. The latter starts 160-170 m above sea level and descends in the form of fan, fragmented to less than 110 m above sea level to the west, where it passes into the alluvial plain of Timiş
Tormac, agriculture, systems, profit, income, production
sciences soil
Presentation: poster


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