Florina Nicoleta (căs. Botoș) BOJINESCU1, Georgeta POP None nicobotos@yahoo.com
Medicinal plants are a category of plant species that accumulate, in certain parts of the plant, various active principles useful in treating various conditions. Medicinal plants in various forms have served health since the beginning of the world. With the development of the chemical industry, some popular remed ies have been given a different form, have been modernized. Most of the time, the effect of using medicinal plants is slow, requiring longer, but less risky and cheaper treatment. The effect of medicinal plants is more complex, acting on several organs or systems concurrently. Medicinal plants have fewer and much lower side effects. [Pop G. 2001, Fraternale D. 2006,Lawrence B.M.]. Therapeutic essential oils are very concentrated natural substances; they are volatile, biologically active and very effective from a therapeutic point of view. Essential oils are obtained from plants by a method of distillation in most cases, under special conditions of pressure and temperature. Following this process, the plants release some volatile biologically active components from their flowers, leaves, branches, roots, bark or seeds. [Baratta M.T1998, , Burt S.2004, Dean S. G. 1987]. Most essential oils contain components with antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Monarda didyma is an herbaceous plant, whose healing properties were known in Antiquity. The flower is often used as a medicine, as well as added to food in the form of spices. Monarda didyma came to our country in the 19th century and, for a long time, it had a decorative purpose. Today, the plant is widely used for treating various conditions, for strengthening the immune system, and for solving cosmetic problems. It is a very useful plant. [Rus C.F. 2013, Bojor O. 2009]. The name of this genre was given by the 18th-century physicist and Swedish physician, Karl Linné, in honour of the Spanish researcher and doctor Nicholas Monardes of the 16th century, who published a 1574 paper on new plants of America. [Yvone Y. 2012] Genus: Monarda, Family: Lamiaceae (alt. Labiatae), Subfamily: Nepetoideae, Tribe: Mentheae, Subtribe: Menthinae. The plant contains biologically active compounds and auxiliary components. Bioactive elements are turpentines – substances in the composition of essential oil [Bojor O. 2005, Suhaj M. 2006]. Some varieties of Monarda didyma contain characteristic substances that mimic the taste and smell of peppermint and lemon. It has been scientifically proven that prolonged use of Monarda didyma -based drugs is not dependent. The comprehensive treatment of a number of diseases with this plant and antibiotics accelerates recovery.
features, Monarda Didyma, pedoclimatic, Timișoara, biometric measurement
field crops and pastures
Presentation: poster


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