Dan DOLOGA, Adrian ŢĂRĂU, Daniel DICU None
The paper presents some aspects concerning the land resources in Tims county. The addressedissues is relating to an area of 253698 ha of which 148563 ha of agricultural land), located in westernRomania and representing a total of 28 cadastral territories. There are shortly presented the mainphysical-geographic units of the area referring also to the soil. The vegetal production obtained indifferent conditions: natural ecosystems, intensive and extensive crops, under the influence of somecosmic- atmospheric factors and conditions and telluric-edaphically conditions, conditions that havechanged in time and space due to human intervention. Some aspects regarding the generalecopedological conditions and the local particularities in defining the land resources, distribution of landuse categories in the main landforms from Hills and mountains in Timis county . The different aspectspresented in the paper are based on a large volume of data from the OSPA Timişoara archive. Thepedological and agrochemical information given in this paper are useful in choosing the most practicalmeasures for land using in agriculture and siviculture and also in other fields like: environmentprotection, health, rural development, etc. In the morphology of hills and mountainsTimis county we cansee distinct sectors: eastern sector, the highest, made of northern branches of Poiana Rusca Mountains;the central sector, consists of hills ( Lipovei, Fragulea, Silagiului, Sacosului); Thus, landscape featuresand climatic conditions have allowed the arable land to hold about 35,69% of the agricultural area, that20,90% of the hills and mountains Timis county of 253698 ha, being represented in the major landforms,with the following proportions: 87,00% in hills and 23,00% in mountains. According to the RomanianSystem of Soil Taxonomy (SRTS-2012) in the considered area were identified 6 classes, 12 types withseparation of 48 subtypes, and units of soil separating the numerous detail categories . The research ofeco-pedological conditions, ordering and processingof dates was done in accordance with DevelopmentMethodology of Soil Studies (Vol I, II, III), developed by ICPA Bucharest in 1987 and the RomanianSystem of Soil Taxonomy (SRTS-2012).
resources, land, agricultural, pedological, ecologic,
Presentation: oral

