Nicolae, SÎLI, Izabela – Maria, APOSTU, Florin, FAUR None izabelamaria.nyari@yahoo.comRomania is located in a temperate-continental climate zone with a moderate precipitation regime, but in recent years, as a result of climate change, there have been significant deviations from the average annual values of temperature and precipitation compared to the multiannual average values, both in Europe and around the world. Agriculture and agricultural productivity suffer a negative impact generated by climate change and extreme weather phenomena, which is added to the negative influence of the anthropogenic factor that causes the intensification of these phenomena through greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, land waterproofing as a result of the expansion of residential areas, etc. The consequences of the floods affect the level and variability of agricultural production, affect the management of livestock, as well as the location of production as an agro-climatic zone, registering a transition to higher lands. These effects can jeopardize the supply of food on the internal market in some parts of Europe, also leading to increased price instability and an increased risk to farmer's incomes.
At the level of Romania, severe localized phenomena were registered, such as prolonged drought, violent storms, large hailstorms, or extreme precipitation from a quantitative point of view, which led to the occurrence of numerous cases of floods. The succession of mentioned phenomena in recent years has demonstrated the country's vulnerability to extreme conditions. The evolution of the average annual precipitations in Romania in 2018 indicates deviations from the climatological norm in force (multiannual average for the 1981-2010 period) at many meteorological stations in the country. The paper presents a brief synthesis of the precipitation regime in Romania, respectively a case study on the floods produced in 2018 and an analysis of their effects on the agricultural sector from a productive point of view. The work ends with a series of solutions and measures to prevent floods in vulnerable areas.
floods, causes, effects, crops, agricultural productivity
environmental engineering
Presentation: oral