Loredana Ramona TOPORAN,Marinel HORABLAGA,Ionel SAMFIRA None ramo27lore@yahoo.comImproving the tolerance to grazing and drought of temperate perennial ryegrass is also an important component of improvement programs, which are best based on an understanding of the physiology of forage growth and development. It was concluded that the density of the cultivator and buds could be increased for new varieties because some existing varieties probably have too low a density of the sower. The quality of perennial ryegrass in terms of protein intake and utilization can be improved by selection and reproduction. Reproductive techniques are used to produce varieties with desired traits, such as high water-soluble carbohydrate content, crude protein content and digestibility. Controlling the transition from vegetative growth to this reproduction is a fundamental process in the development of plants with considerable potential for practical application.
Obtaining high and high quality fodder production on temperate meadows, depends on the species and varieties used, soil fertility, technology used, etc. The quality of perennial ryegrass in terms of protein intake and utilization can be improved through selection and reproduction. One way to improve the use of the fodder plant by reproduction could be by selecting a rapidly degradable fiber that would reduce the shelf life of the rumen and therefore improve the feed intake and nutritional status of the dairy cow with higher production. Identifying and selecting relevant traits is a means of enhancing genetic gain in plant reproduction by selecting positively correlated components with sufficient heredity. As a molecular strategy to accelerate feed plant trait improvement, genomic selection, supported by low-cost single nucleotide polymorphism labeling systems, will replace marker-assisted selection using quantitative trait loci-linked molecular markers (QTLs).
It is essential that the yield of perennial ryegrass increases, and it is necessary to double the rate of increase in yield in order to support the world's population, which will be increased by 2050.
perennial lolium, variety, grasslands, biodiversity,germolpasm
Presentation: poster