Anisoara IENCIU, Silvica ONCIA, Laura SMULEAC, P. FAZAKAS, C. A. NICOLICI NoneThe study of the quality of a river’s waters is of great ecological importance if we take intoaccount that surface water pollution is, nowadays, a major issue amplified at global scale because of theagricultural and industrial pollutants that reach the rivers. The sources most widespread of surface waterpollution are organised ones – sewage water from rural localities, sewage water from animal farms andfrom industry – but there are also non-organised sources of pollution such as rural localities that lacksewage systems, wastes stored in improper places and ways, etc. Timiş is the biggest river of Banat: itstarts in the Semenic Mountains, it is 339.7 km long (of which 241.2 km in Romania), and its basin covers13,085 km 2 , with a medium flow of 47 m 3 /s. Monitoring the quality of the Timiş River waters was done inthree control stations – Constantin Daicoviciu, Lugoj and Graniceri – through the sampling of the waterin four sampling campaigns – February, May, August and September – during three years (2009-2011).The water was analysed in the Quality Laboratory of the Banat Water Basin Administration. The mainquality indices we monitored were: suspension matter content, oxygen chemical consumption, nitratecontent, and lead content. Results show that, upstream, in the control station Constantin Daicoviciu, thewater is less polluted, which groups it in the 1 st and 2 nd quality classes; in the control point Lugoj, waterwas more polluted, ranging in the 2 nd and 3 rd quality classes, with suspension matter and lead contentabove maximum admitted limits; in the Graniceri section, there were significant values above maximumadmitted limits in all quality indices we monitored during the three experimental years, ranging water inthe 3 rd and 4 th quality classes because of the suspension matter, oxygen chemical consumption, nitritecontent, and lead content. The conclusion we can draw is that the waters of the Timiş River are pollutedin the Lugoj and Graniceri sections, that the main causes of the pollution are waste waters fromhouseholds, wastes from households, wastes from crop and animal farms in the area, and hydric erosionin the hydrographic basin of the Timiş River (natural source of pollution). In order to improve the qualityof the Timiş River waters downstream we need to develop effective sewage systems in rural localities,water treatment stations and controlled removal of waste waters.
quality of a river’s waters, the quality indices, nitrate content oxygen, chemical consumption, lead content
Presentation: oral