F. PRUNAR1, Melanya STAN2, S. DRÉANO3, Silvia PRUNAR1, F. BARLOY-HUBLER3, Alma NICOLIN1 1Banat's University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine „King Michael I of Romania" from Timisoara, Romania 2The Grigore Antipa National Museum of Natural History, Romania 3 UMR 6290, CNRS -Institute of Genetics and Development of Rennes (IGDR), Faculty of Medicine, University Rennes I, France silviaprunar@usab-tm.ro
Carabus hungaricus, a species protected by Council Directive 92/43 / EEC and the Berne Convention, is very localized in Romania and has a distribution that seems to have changed compared to the last century and for which recent discoveries show that there are still gaps in knowledge. Over time, there have been reports of the presence of the species in localities where the species is no longer confirmed but the paper presents new locations and reconfirmations of the present species. In Romania, being a species with isolated populations on small areas, there is a real danger of extinction by natural and anthropogenic causes. Carabus hungaricus is a Natura 2000 species present in only 6 of the Community European countries. In each country it has a very limited distribution and an unfavourable state of conservation except for Hungary where it has a wide spread and favourable state of conservation. If it is unanimously accepted that the declining of the distribution area is due to the development of agriculture, the distribution in the field and the limiting factors that determine the isolation of the species in islands at the geographical level are insufficiently known and was never explained by the verifiable indices of the limiting factors. The paper proposes updating the distribution data of the species in Romania, the spatial analysis of the areas where the species was identified and the characterization of the habitats but also the identification of the main pressures and threats. In 2019 we rediscovered the species in South-West of Romania and in July 2020 we discovered two new places in North-West. The discovery of new locations and the absence in others known from historical data show that knowledge of distribution at the national level may have gaps and further detailed studies are needed to know the conservation status of each population.
Carabus hungaricus, Natura 2000, GIS spatial analysis
Presentation: poster

