We can define a landslide as the movement of rock, detritus, or soils caused by the action ofgravity. It occurs often following torrential rain or earthquake, and even volcanic eruptions can lead tolandsliding. Landslides are a major form of geohazard that cause millions of dollars of damage and manydeaths each year. The stability of a slope can be considered as two forces working against each other.Driving forces – shear stress work to cause slope materials to move down – slope, whereas resistingforces – shear strength act to keep the materials on the slope. When the ratio of resisting forces overdriving forces is greater than 1, the slope is stable. When it is less than 1, the slope usually fails.Earthquakes can instantly change the local force equilibrium, anticipating the fall. The present paperreports on the evidence of the areas affected with landslides. On the basis of the clay minerals analysisare explained the displacement mechanismus from the Bozovici and were given the control methods. Ifland has moved once, there is a high chance of it moving again given the right conditions. It is thereforeimperative to recognize ancient landslides and assist the planning process with maps to raise awarenessof their presence prior to building. For whole region Banat, with an area of 1198264ha land resources,the area with landslides represents 5.53%, that is 66335 ha. Rockfall is the movement of a single block.Rock avalanches result from the transformation of rock slide into a deeply disintegrated, rapid, andcatastrophic flow of rock. Mass movement (flow) is any process that involves a transfer of slopematerials, rocks, debris or soils, from a higher to a lower location under the influence of gravity.Translational slides occur along a failure surface in the bedrock and move parallel to the surface. Thelandslide from Bozovici affects 42,5 ha. The shrink – swell properties lead to landslide and shiftingproblems. Significant landslide is solifluction, that is a process of gentle and continous flow on low –gradient sloping land of a thin, viscous, water – satured mass of soil or rock debris. In order to prevent,and mitigating their impact, the need is to reduce the driving forces and/or increase the resisting forceson the slope. Building a buttress at the bottom of the slope by erecting a wall of boulders, building aconcrete wall with weep holes, or building a gabion basket wall will increase the resisting forces of theslope.
hazard, vulnerability, friction, cohesion, stability, liquefaction
Presentation: oral

