Olga-Alina, RADA1, Mihaela OSTAN, Florica ALMĂJAN2, Mihaela Liana FERICEAN 1 Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine "King Michael I of Romania" from Timisoara
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is closely monitored due to its high prevalence, the high cost of the renal replacement therapy (RRT) and comorbidities – especially cardiovascular diseases, as well as due to the asymptomatic nature of the disease to advanced stages. The most real method for assessing the performance of renal replacement therapy is the rate of patient survival. In Romania, the treatment through haemodialysis is dominant (80%), while kidney transplant is used to a lower degree (13%). As for their survival, the patients undergoing transplants present the lowest mortality rates, while haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis present similar rates of survival, both lower than the one for transplants. The application of a certain haemodialysis technique and strategy, individualized according to the patient’s particularities, must be strictly guided by clinical and paraclinical parameters. This implies a regular cadence of investigations, differentiated according to the patient’s clinical condition and to how long they have been undergoing dialysis. The results of quantitative determinations from patients diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, undergoing dialysis, were centralized and analysed. All the biochemical parameters the study was focused on were determined through the usual methods in the clinical laboratory. Serum creatinine revealed an average of about eight times higher in men (9.96 mg/dL±2.54,) and six times in women, respectively (8.23 mg/dL±2.16) than the maximum value of the biological reference range (1.2 mg/dL). Serum urea presented an average of 131.97mg/dL±21.02 (306.90% compared to the maximum value of the reference range) in men and 139.01mg/dL±33.56 in women (323.27% compared to the maximum value of the reference range). The two parameters suggest strong perturbation of the renal function, with a drastic decrease in glomerular filtration. The high serum levels of potassium, highly depressed heart function and decreased alkaline reserve, all point to the same thing. In addition, probably because of the erythropoietin deficit, the haemoglobin values were 78.29% in men and 80.81% in women respectively, compared to the normal biological minimum value that suggests the onset of anaemia in all patients. The distribution of patients by age categories revealed that in men it mostly appeared between the ages of 50 and 59, while in women between 40 and 49.
Chronic kidney disease, haemodialysis, glomerular filtration, serum creatinine, serum urea
Presentation: None

