A. SLEV1, A. BRATU1, M. SIMON1* 1Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine”King Mihai I of Romania” from Timisoara
The systemic and dynamic structure of the agro-forestry-pastoral systems unitarily integrates the way in which their components and the functional relations between them are arranged in space and time. It materializes through the intertwining of biological components (grassland vegetation, trees, animal species), technique - the use of resources: meadows and fodder crops and socio-economic (consumer products, financial resources, human component). The aim of the paper consists in the analysis from a territorial aspect of the analyzed area, of the way of use and exploitation, with emphasis on the meadows with a high biodiversity. In the inventory of the lands according to the use method, the Corine Land Cover database was used, 2018 edition, and for the establishment of the meadows with High Natural Value (HNV) the National Rural Development Program 2014 - 2020 was used. The data were processed with Autocad 3D Map and ArcGIS 10.2.1. By applying the specific methodology, land cover / land use maps, HNV meadow map and statistical data on grassland areas and agricultural crops were obtained. The territorial analysis shows that the largest share belongs to forests and pastures, the arable lands being distributed on small areas, generally fragmented. Among the agricultural crops predominate alfalfa, red clover, guide, triticale, rye and small areas with corn and wheat. In the analyzed area, sustainable agriculture is practiced, both in the extensive breeding of animals and in terms of cultivation technologies.
agro-forestry-pastoral systems, disadvantaged areas, HNV meadows
field crops and pastures
Presentation: None

