C.L.CAUC 1, Aurelia MIHUȚ1, V. NAGY 2., Casiana MIHUȚ1, Anișoara DUMA-COPCEA1 1Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania”, Timisoara, Romania, Arad Way, no. 119, Romania, Phone: +4025627475, Fax: +40256200296, 2Politehnica University of Timisoara, Mechanical Engineering Faculty casiana_mihut@usab-tm.ro
Drum irrigation is one of the most used irrigation methods in large crops, maize being among the largest water-consuming crops. The studied area is located in an arid climate, with a period of intensive drought, especially during the period in which maize needs an appreciable amount of water. The research methods used are the drum irrigation method, using Bauer Raninstar E51 XL drums. The density of the two maize plots is between 69,000 and 72,000 plants per hectare. In 2020, the amount of water used in maize was 30-35 l/m2, of 3 cycles of watering, and the production ranged from 11.8 to 12.1 t/ha, compared to 4.8 t/ha in the no-irrigation maize on a neighbouring plot on the same type of soil. The soil on which research was conducted has high natural fertility, but in view of the climate changes in the last period, soil moisture does not cover the needs of water for plants. When applying this irrigation method, farmers must take into account a number of factors, including: the physical properties of the soil, the soil texture being essential in determining the water supply depending on the water storage capacity; the climate conditions specific to each year, respectively the vegetation period; plant consumption depending on the vegetation period; depth of groundwater; the forms under which water is found in the soil, etc. The results and productions obtained show that the drum irrigation method is obtained with minimal costs and can be used successfully and extended to other crops.
soil, irrigation, drum irrigation, maize
field crops and pastures
Presentation: None

