Maria Manuela CRISTA, S. C. CURCHI, Simona NIȚA, A. OKROS Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania” from Timisoara, Romania
Cultivated soybeans belong to the species Glycine max. (L), order Leguminosales. Soybeans are one of the most important agricultural plants for human consumption, animal feed and industry. Soybeans are among the most important crops for the Western Plain of the country, motivated by the favorable soil and climatic conditions of this area.( NIŢĂ SIMONA 2004, NIŢĂ SIMONA2016) Soybeans, being a legume, contribute substantially to increasing the fertility of the soil. Representing a great importance as a precursor plant having the particularity of a substantial improvement soil properties. Like all legumes, it has the ability to increase the nitrogen content of the soil, especially when the seeds are treated with bacterial preparations. Leaving the soil free of weeds and with increased fertility, soybeans are a very good precursor for autumn cereals, when early varieties are grown, leaving large amounts of nitrogen in the soil (80 - 120 kg / ha).( NIŢĂ, LUCIAN DUMITRU.2007) The paper aims to present soybean hybrids tested for introduction into culture and optimization of technological links in order to obtain high quality economic harvests. In this regard, four different hybrids were studied. The research took place in 2020 in Giera. In order to highlight the profitability of soybean cultivation, we considered it necessary to calculate the main indicators of economic efficiency.( MUNTEAN L.S. şi colab., 2008)
cultivated, Glycine max, agricultural, soil, economic
field crops and pastures
Presentation: None

