V. MĂRĂZAN 1,2,*, G.B. OKROS 2, Laura ŞMULEAC2, Antoanela COZMA2,* 1Department of Overland Communication Ways, Foundation and Cadastral Survey, Politehnica University of Timişoara, 300006, Timişoara, Romania 2Banat University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania alina_lato@usab-tm.roThe agricultural production of a country is mainly influenced by social, scientific, technological and climatological factors. By knowing the relationship between the meteorological factors and production rates is, as such, highly important with the agricultural management. The set of agrometeorological conditions in an agricultural year can determine the value of the harvest of a certain crop through the evolution of each meteorological parameter and according to the specific bioclimatic requirements of each phenological phase. As such, each meteorological event might or might not have a positive impact upon culture growth and as they deviate more and more from the optimal need, they can become risk factors, with different degrees of intensity. Wheat is the most important agricultural crop in Romania, both as a cultivated area and as an economic and social value. The ecological plasticity of this plant offers it the possibility to adapt in the most diverse climatic conditions. Apparently resistant to the action of unfavourable factors, offering satisfactory yields, wheat is very vulnerable to extreme values of the crop stress index, which can sometimes become risky and affect in different proportions the crop or even destroy it. The purpose of this paper is to present a short climatological analysis of the western part of Romania and the meteorological hazards imposed by the current climate towards the wheat yields.
wheat yield, agriculture, climatology, weather hazards, risk factors
environmental engineering
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