Rebeca TOMUTA1, Olga RADA1, Liana Mihaela FERICEAN1 1 Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania” alina_lato@usab-tm.ro
This study describes the ostrich reproduction behavior under farming conditions, observed during reproduction seasons. Behavioral observations were made in an intensive farm from Romania who implemented the trio breeding system that includes a male and two ostrich females. The main categories of identified behavior at captive ostrich were: courtship, feeding behavior, drinking, lithophagia, walking, resting and aggression. Both the male and major female participating in incubation and chick care. Presence of eggs incited ostriches to sit in the nest, because of this all the eggs were collected and hatched artificially. In early spring, complex courtship rituals begin, performed by both males and females, who spend about 30% of their time. Resting behavior is observed when ostrich stopped moving from doing any activities. The time spent at rest was about 25%. Locomotion behavior includes walking and running. Walking (20%) was the most frequent locomotion behavior observed. Regarding the feeding behavior of the breeding families, the highest share were fed with green fodder about 7% while concentrated food was 6%. During the breeding period, the male is very protective and guards his territory and nest and the aggressiveness towards the caretaker is high 4% when collecting eggs, precautions must be taken during the collection of eggs and at males kept in neighboring shelters. Understanding the ostrich reproduction behavior under farming conditions is a vital step in improving their welfare.
reproduction behavior, ostrich, captivity
Presentation: None

