Alin JIVAN, Valeriu TABĂRĂ, Antonina RISCU, Dacian LALESCU None
Beekeeping has a major economic importance, because these have an important role in most crops pollination that are destined for seed production. This study is part of the first researches realised on canola culture, in Romania and was observed the evolution of honeybees family, before and after the application of pesticides, which represents a stress factor. After seven days from the treatment application the number of honeybees identified at the entry in the beehive decreased sudden, from a maximum number of 367 honeybees registered at the beehive entrance at the beginning of researches to a minimum number of 77 honeybees, and after 14 days from the pesticides application, the number of identified honeybees started to increase till 323 honeybees. The witness had a slight increase during the entire measurement period, at the beginning of the study it had a maximum of 330 honeybees at the beehive entrance and in the second week of observation the maximum recorded value was of 512 honeybees at 12 o’clock.  In the third week of observations in the control variant the maximum number of honeybees recorded was of 605, honeybees identified at 12 o’clock. Based on these observations we have noticed that in the three studied variants the number of honeybees in the control variant where no pesticides had been used, has been throughout the entire period higher than in the two studied variants and where insecticides had been applied for protecting the canola culture. Therefore we can say that the honeybees in the first area suffered more because of insecticide used in canola culture. Number of bees found in the first area was less than in the second area, and also was less than the control area where the bees did not suffer at all, and have had steady growth throughout the flowering period of rape culture. The second area has the smallest amount of honey. To prevent these negative aspects, occurs the necessity of friendly relations between the beekeepers in pastoral and farmers cultivators of canola, for avoid negative phenomena that can happen during collecting.
canola, honeybee, decreased, insecticides, toxic
Presentation: oral

