Ramona, TRUȘCĂ (POPA), Marazan Vlad, Antoanela Cozma, Anisoara Duma-Copcea, Casiana Mihut 1University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine "King Mihai I of Romania" from Timisoara, 300645, 119 Calea Aradului, Romania, 2 Department of Overland Communication Ways, Foundation and Cadastral Survey, Politehnica University of Timişoara, 300006, Timişoara, Romania anisoaradumacopcea@usab-tm.roThe aim of the paper is a better organization of mechanical work in agriculture, taking into account the following aspects: selection and using the methods and the optimal work procedures which ensures obtaining the production quantities with minimal expenses. The second aspect, is the assembly of all works and operations within the cycle of agricultural production in such succession and correlation to be able to ensure optimization of the production processes. Due to the appearance of agricultural machines with superior technology the possibility of increasing agricultural production was created and reducing its cost. A primary objective of modern agriculture is the intensive development of agricultural production, as an essential condition for obtaining the highest possible productions per surface unit and with the lowest possible expenses per product unit. Experimental studies on grain harvesting combines were carried out under working conditions, during wheat harvesting, on a number of 3 self-propelled combines, from a harvested formation on the territory of Moșnița. The three types of combines harvester for which measurements and determinations were made, was: 1. CLAAS-98SL MAXI combine: engine-160 CP/2100 rot/min, working width 5 meters; 2. MDW-525 STS combine: engine-268 CP/2170 rot/min, working width 7 meters; 3. John Deere-Hydro 4-1174 S combine : engine150 CP/2100 rot/min, working width 7 meters. The three combines harvested in the same formation under identical working conditions, having identical technological settings. The mechanism operation of the connecting rod-crank type sieves gives them a plane-parallel motion.
self-propelled combines, cleaning system, technological settings, optimal work
Presentation: poster