R. PAȘCALĂU1, Laura ȘMULEAC1, S. M. STANCIU1, F. IMBREA1, Andrea Ana FEHER1, C. SĂLĂȘAN1 , Gianina Daniela SABĂU2 1 University of Life Sciences “ King Mihai I “ from Timișoara, Romania 2Vasile Goldiș Western University of Arad, Romania alina_lato@usab-tm.roAgriculture had a definitory role in human lives since the beginning of mankind because it was the first area from where people could feed and produce food for daily subsistence. Since those times, through images and signs, marked on wood or stone plates, there has been the first representation of the translations in agriculture. Taken from ancient times, the drawings, figures, images, had to be interpreted and translated so that the main purpose, their use accordingly, was reached. Both agriculture and translation evolved and developed in the same time. It used the first types of translations, very important ones, to cultivate, to crop, to irrigate, interpreting and translating the symbols, the signs, the images for different operations. All the innovation technologies present in agriculture, from the very beginning to nowadays, went hand in hand with the evolution of translation and methods, tools and diversification of services, according to the needs on the labor market. The value of the agriculture and especially of the traditional agriculture and the one of the translations within one of the most important areas with a higher impact on the level of living, including the transition to a modern agriculture nowadays, with high tech tools, equipment and machinery, CAT tools and digital devices, is given by the output across time and by the results in the society, by the level of living and by the increase and development of the local, regional, national, international trade.
translation, agriculture, language, evolution, English language, translator, agriculturists
Presentation: poster