I. BANATEAN-DUNEA1*, Ana-Maria CORPADE2, Ilinca IMBREA1, Simona MIHAILESCU3, I. CRISTEA4, Mihaela IVAN1, F. CRISTA1, Ș. BĂTRÂNA1, Mihaela Liana FERICEAN1 1 Banat's University of Agricultural Sciences and VeterinaryMedicine „King Michael I of Romania” from Timisoara, Romania 2 Babeș-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca, Romania 3 Institute of Biology - Bucharest, Romania 4 National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry „Marin Dracea”, Romania
After Romania's accession to the European Union, it assumed responsibility for the implementation of the European legislative stipulations in all fields, including in the field of environmental protection, which means implementation of the Habitats Directive (92/43 EEC) provisions, which refers to the conservation of community interest species and habitats. In this context, specific conservation strategies have been developed according to the biotic and abiotic profile of the Natura 2000 Sites. The profile of the ichthyocenosis within the Natura 2000 Site ROSCI0032 Cheile Rudariei was based on the scientific queries (inventory and monitoring of the community interest ichthyofauna, SR EN 14011:2003), that followed: identification of species, the number of individuals, individuals waist, the biomass, sex and age, as well as physical and chemical parameters of the aquatic environment. The ichthyocenosis within the Natura 2000 Site ROSCI0032 Cheile Rudariei have in their structure the following species: (1138 CN 2000) Barbus meridionalis (community interest species), Salmo trutta fario, (1163 CN 2000) Cottus gobio (community interest species), Phoxinus phoxinus, (4123 CN 2000) Eudontomyzon danfordi (community interest species), Nemachilus barbatulus, Leuciscus cephalus, (1124/6144 CN 2000) Romanogobio albipinnatus (community interest species) and Alburnoides bipunctatus. Barbus meridionalis population is well represented at the site because the aquatic ecosystem has specific habitats for feeding, rest, reproduction and winterin. The habitat area of the species was 2.0-3.0 ha, and the species population size was estimated at 5,000-10,000 individuals (class 6). The population of Eudontomyzon danfordi occupied an area of 0.5-1.0 ha at the site level and the population was estimated at 500-1,000 individuals (class 4). Cottus gobio species is well represented at the site because the species population size was estimated at 1,000-5,000 individuals (class 5) and the habitat area of the species was 1.5-2.0 ha. The community interest species Romanogobio albipinnatus was identified in the neighborhood of the Natura 2000 Site ROSCI0032 Cheile Rudariei. Processing of gross data has highlighted the fact that the ichthyocenosis conservation status at the site level was favorable and has a stable trend. Temporary or permanent hydrotechnical facilities without scientific approval represent the current and future anthropogenic pressure that may influence the conservation status of the community interest ichthyocenosis, but scientific queries have allowed the development of a package of conservation strategies found in the Management Plan of Natura 2000 Site ROSCI0032 Cheile Rudariei, approved by normative act.
ichthyocenosis, fish, Natura 2000 Site, conservation, community, environment
Presentation: poster

