N. MBUGUA1, K. P. NAFULA2, O. T. OPIYO3, Veronica SĂRĂȚEANU 4 *, Otilia COTUNA4,5 1 Africa International University, Nairobi, Kenya 2 Africa International University, Nairobi, Kenya 3 Africa International University, Nairobi, Kenya 4 University of Life Sciences ”King Michael I of Romania” from Timișoara, Romania 5 Station of Agricultural Research and Development Lovrin, Timiş County, Romania veronica.sarateanu@gmail.comThe purpose of the report is to analyse the main agricultural activities that are important in the rural economic context of Kenya. A critical aspect to note is that the most popular agricultural activities differ in the country due to different soil and climatic conditions. Also, the traditional agricultural practices are focused on local consumption and local markets, this being the most dominant type of agriculture in Kenya. In the highland areas are tea and coffee plantations which are designated mainly for export. The cereals (maize, sugarcane, rice, wheat) are the main agricultural crops followed by vegetables (eg. kale, spinach, cabbage, lettuce, cauliflower), potato and cassava. They are primarily produced for the satisfaction of the national demands. Fishing is an important branch of agriculture for the population's needs, Lake Victoria being the main source of fish. From an agricultural perspective, man-made fishing ponds supply the local market with fish, mostly in the central part of the country. Poultry and dairy farming are also important sections of the agricultural sector whereby the former is part of the base of the nation’s food industry while the latter is based on forage crops that support the animals that produce milk, primarily for national consumption. Pastoralism is an activity that supports the people's livelihood in areas rich in permanent grasslands. The most popular animals that feed directly on grasslands are cows, goats, and camels. Furthermore, the coastal area of the country is defined by a small-scale farm production of coconut and palm oil for the local market. Other popular crops designated mostly for export are cut vegetables, aloe vera, hemp, avocado, bananas, mango, pineapple, watermelon, spices (cinnamon, cloves, black pepper), beans, hibiscus, and oranges. Kenya offers a wide range of conditions for numerous agricultural activities, an aspect that makes its rural economy diverse and rich.
rural economics Kenya, main crops, agricultural activities, local market, export
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