Cristian Iliuta GĂINA, Florin IMBREA University of Life Sciences „King Mihai I” from Timisoara, Romania florin_imbrea@usvt.roThe expression of human needs is an intricate dance intricately tied to the resources we utilize. At its core, food exemplifies this dynamic relationship. It is more than just sustenance; it's a complex mixture of elements essential for the nourishment and well-being of the human body. However, it's also a medium through which we convey profound values and principles.
Food isn't merely fuel for our bodies; it embodies our commitment to health, durability, sustainability, and rational approaches to life. It serves as an environmental marker, reflecting our choices and impact on the planet. In essence, it encapsulates a broader philosophy—one that extends far beyond the plate.
In the realm of economics, the market assigns value primarily through price. However, this pricing mechanism doesn't always capture the full extent of an item's worth. In the case of food, its true value extends beyond mere monetary cost; it encompasses nutritional content, ethical production methods, and environmental onea.
One of the most crucial factors influencing how we perceive and express value is education. Education molds our values and guides our decision-making processes. It imparts an understanding of the multifaceted aspects of value, making us conscious consumers who consider not only price but also the broader implications of our choices.
While money is a powerful tool for facilitating transactions, it doesn't inherently define the value of goods and services. Instead, it can either mystify or simplify the real value inherent in products. In essence, money serves as a common denominator, breaking down complex value into a universally understandable unit. This reduction is akin to dissecting a recipe to identify a single ingredient, often the most accessible or recognizable one.
performance, resources, strategic value, indicator, market
Presentation: poster