Cristian Iliuță GĂINĂ, Florin IMBREA University of Life Sciences „King Mihai I” from Timisoara, Romania florin_imbrea@usvt.roThe National Strategic Program is assimilated among farmers with a financing program, through which sums of money are obtained as direct payments or investments, generally with granting conditions, based less on results or impact. This means that the attention on him is only on the requests for amounts, under the conditions that they are directed on 2 levels: one of profit compensation through direct subsidies and another of the patrimonial value, as owned capital.
The PNS calculation methodology starts from the Output SO Standard, a standardized standard in the commercial value per hectare, regardless of the economic size of the farm, the region, the geographical value as well as the structure of agriculture in Romania.
It is important to approach the PNS not only as a capital input but as a solution to support an entire agricultural economy, to which capital offers the power to support the value of the farmer until the market. The market means knowledge. Knowledge means value, product value, price, consumer behavior, evolution of the conditions in which food adapts to resources. Romania must use, from the position of a strategic program, this instrument as a mechanism for safety and food security at the population level, a mechanism that sustainably offers the partnership with the farmer through the integrated chain and added value food to the final consumer.
financing, integrator, mechanism, development, strategy, program
Presentation: poster