Valeria Pavel, Alexandru Moisuc Nonehe effects produces by flooding on the ecosystems are the followings: injuries on the biodiversity; reducing and degrading the natural habitat; the lack of drinking water for wild animals; the appearance of the epidemics in plants and animals; the appearance of the phenomena of migration and forced concentration of some species; the increase of the extinction risk of some endangered species; the modifying of the soil salinity; the increase of the soil erosion risk; the modifying of the water quality; landscape modifying. The present work represents a study of the flora and vegetation from the area set under the influence of the flooding in the Timiş – Bega inter-river. Thus were realized researches on the changes appeared in the vegetation cover of some grassland flooded for different intervals of time. The study was realized on three grasslands from the perimeter of Grăniceri locality and three from Foieni locality, Timiş County. All surfaces were flooded in April 2005. The researches were developed during a period of three years, respectively 2005-2007. This work is looking to define aspects concerning the influence of the flooding duration on the features of the vegetation cover from the studied areas, respectively the pastoral value. After the analysis of the data obtained we can conclude the followings: the pastoral value of the analyzed grasslands is evolving ascendant from a year to another showing that these vegetation communities have a great capacity of recovery after disturbing factors, in this case the flooding; the increase of the pastoral value of the grasslands in the years following the flooding can be assumed on the contribution of the nutritive elements brought by alluviums on these surfaces; the pastoral value with ascendant sense is determined by the increase of the participation in the vegetation carpet of the species with forager value better from a year to another.
grassland; flooding; pastoral value; vegetation
Presentation: oral