Phelyster K. NAFULA1 , T. O. OPIYO2 , Elly NDIAO3, Lucretiu DANCEA 1Africa International University, Nairobi, Kenya 2Africa International University, Nairobi, Kenya 3Africa International University, Nairobi, Kenya 4University of Life Sciences ”King Michael I of Romania” from Timișoara, Romania lucretiu_dancea@usvt.roClimate change and variability have significant impacts on pastoral communities in Kenya. The effects include reduced livestock productivity, food insecurity, and increased conflicts over resources amongst other adverse effects. Examining such effects makes it possible to suggest adaptive and sustainable practices that can be used to improve the conditions of Arid and semi-arid areas in Kenya where majority of the pastoral communities live. The goal of this paper is to review the effects of climate change and variability on pastoral communities in Kenya. The study employs a desk review of recent journal articles that have comprehensively documented the research topic. As per the research findings, pastoral communities in Kenya face significant challenges due to climate change and variability. They have, however, used a variety of adaptation strategies, such as diversifying their sources of income, managing resources as a group, and using new technologies. The use of secondary sources of information and the potential biases in the selection of journal articles are the study's shortcomings. The study has generated relevant knowledge that policymakers and development agencies can use in designing climate change adaptation and mitigation interventions that are responsive to the specific needs and circumstances of pastoral communities in Kenya, Africa.
Climate Change, Pastoral Communities, Adaptation strategies, Mitigation strategies
environmental engineering
Presentation: poster